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Helping Clients With Special Warranty Deeds

When transferring ownership on a property, having Comprehensive Deeds, LLC handle the deed process ensures it goes smoothly with our thorough legal services. Not all deeds are the same, and each type requires expert advice and services from an attorney with specialized deed expertise. We help clients drafting and executing specialized warranty deeds in Maryland, and beyond. This deed type is the most widely used option in Maryland. In a special warranty deed, the grantor covenants to warrant their forever property to the grantee against any unlawful demands or claims while they were in the title. Our experienced deeds attorney is ready to guide you through the process.

Grandfather reading with granddaughter

Why You Need a Special Warranty Deed

Special warranty deeds are commonly used for residential properties involving foreclosures and forced sales to satisfy a debt. While a general warranty deed covers a property’s entire history, special warranty deeds provide more limited exposure to claim and liability demands before holding the title. The seller warrants they are the rightful owner with the authority to sell their property. However, they can be risky for the seller since they do not know the property’s history when they acquire it. The seller does not have to make any promises about the title’s condition prior to their ownership. When a bank forecloses on a home, they commonly use this deed type to ensure only the history covering their ownership of the property.

Enjoy the Benefits of This Deed Type

If you are selling or otherwise transferring a property to a new owner, a special warranty deed verifies your authority to perform the transaction. The grantor’s legal responsibilities are covered for their own history as the titleholder, allowing them to do with the property what they wish, including selling it. As a buyer, you get the assurance that a property purchase is completely legal and without complications like a contesting owner to the same property. Other options, such as a quitclaim deed, make no promises about other claims against the property during or before the grantor’s ownership.

Optimize the Process in Maryland

Comprehensive Deeds, LLC can help you work through the deed process as a grantor or grantee. We have in-depth expertise in various types of deeds, including special warranty deeds. Our legal services are available to clients all around Maryland, including Annapolis, Howard County, and Baltimore County. We are ready to make your deed transaction go smoothly and without any disruptive issues like debts or previous buyers.

Contact Comprehensive Deeds, LLC for Professional Service