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Deeds for Estate Planning

It’s evident that even a well-designed estate plan can be inefficient if no proper steps or re-titling assets, including real property, has been done. And upon the death, the property must be distributed in conformity with the plan.

But when the property is situated outside of the County that you typically practice in, it can be a time-consuming and complex job to get it done. We find that many of the Estate Planning Attorneys that we work with prefer not to have to spend their valuable time and resources on trying to learn and get through the process of trying to draft the deed with all the specific corresponding affidavits and forms necessary for recording, correctly calculate transfer and recordation taxes, obtain and timely clear all appliable County, City, and Town Lien Certificates, and properly get the deed on record in the applicable County or City Land Records Department. We understand that it can be difficult to track down a real estate attorney in the area to refer your deed work over to as you must spend time vetting out potential referral sources based on questions such as (1) is the fee reasonable (2) How much will they charge my client? (3) is this attorney competent and efficient in drafting and recording deeds in this particular County or City? Furthermore, general real estate attorneys or law firms are oftentimes pre-occupied with high priority matters such as settlements or litigation, resulting in deed transactions becoming secondary. We offer a simple and efficient solution.

CDeeds offers a much simpler alternative for Estate Planning Attorneys. Whether your wish to participate in the process or delegate the task solely to your client, CDeeds has a professional Real Estate Deed Attorney on staff ready to draft and record all types of Deed transactions in every jurisdiction within the State of Maryland.

At CDeeds, deeds are all we do, so clients’ deeds are our primary focus. We take pride in drafting and recording deeds quickly, but most importantly, accurately.

Our goal is to assist Estate Planning Attorneys by being a trustworthy and professional referral for their clients in need of deed services so that we can take this somewhat tedious deed process burden off their plate so that they can better focus their valuable time and energy elsewhere.

Why Choose Us


We Provide Excellent Customer Service

Our CDeeds team is friendly, knowledgeable, professional, and quick to respond. As deed preparation and recordation is our only focus at CDeeds, your clients’ deed is our priority rather than a potential annoyance or undesirable task to be handled in and around the demands of a primary practice.

We Offer Top Quality Documents

We understand that your clients need deeds prepared and recorded quickly, but also accurately. We are experts in the preparation and recordation of Maryland deeds. Our deeds are done right.

Trustworthy & Reputable

Along with quality, trust is essential. CDeeds has a solid reputation built on our teams years of legal and real estate experience.

Easy & Convenient. We Travel!

If preferable, we travel to your clients so that they never have to leave their home for the entire deed transaction. We also work with notaries nationwide for any of your out-of-state clients transferring Maryland real property.

Contact Comprehensive Deeds, LLC for Professional Service