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Deeds for Mortgage Loan Officers

Before or after a mortgage loan transaction, real property may need to be re-titled. Some common examples include:

  • Clients who obtained a VA or FHA mortgage and later wish to add their current significant other or new spouse to title
  • A refinance client who has changed their name since purchasing the subject property and needs to update their name on title prior to processing the transaction
  • A client who has just inherited a property that they wish to mortgage but the property needs to be transferred out of the estate and titled in their name prior to processing the transaction
  • A client who was recently awarded real property in a divorce and needs to remove a spouse from title
  • General prior clients who return to you for advice on how to add family members onto title or who wish to create life estates

Oftentimes, title companies or general real estate law firms are pre-occupied with high priority matters such as settlements or litigation, resulting in deed transactions sometimes becoming secondary. At CDeeds LLC, deeds are all we do, so clients’ deeds are our primary focus. Our goal is to assist Mortgage Loan Officers by being a trustworthy and professional referral for their clients in need of deed services.

Why Choose Us


We Provide Excellent Customer Service

Our CDeeds team is friendly, knowledgeable, and quick to respond. Our top priority is our clients’ success. We prioritize helping them to achieve more success by continuously listening and understanding their unique needs and then providing them with the right services and products to best suit their company.

We Offer First-Rate Quality Documents

We understand that Title Companies need their deeds prepared quickly, but also accurately. We are experts in Maryland deeds and our detail-oriented team is efficient in providing deeds both timely and precisely. Our deeds are done right.

Trustworthy & Reputable

Along with quality, trust is essential. CDeeds has a solid reputation built on our teams years of legal and real estate experience.

Contact Comprehensive Deeds, LLC for Professional Service