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Deeds for Title Companies

At CDeeds, we understand that the Title business is a very high-paced environment with much to do and little time to do it.  The founder of CDeeds, Kaitlyn P. Tauber, Esq., having worked many years in the title industry in the past, truly understands many of the obstacles faced by title companies today. We know and understand all of the technicalities and nuances relating to Maryland real estate property transfers in relation the geographical location of the property within the state (i.e. County, City, Town, Municipality). Using CDeeds, title companies can rest assured that their deeds are done correctly and accurately.  Deeds are all we do. CDeeds is not a general law firm practice or wide-ranged real estate law firm, whereas those are often tied up in additional legal matters or litigation, resulting in their time and focus being taken away from their ability to prepare deeds in a timely manner by title industry standards. With deeds being our primary focus, our turn-around times are likely the best in the business.

We provide deed services to title companies in varying situations, for example we provide deed services to:

  • Title companies without an attorney on staff who outsource their deeds to Maryland real estate law firms for attorney deed preparation/certificates.
  • Title companies who have one or more attorneys on staff but find it more lucrative and/or beneficial for them to be more title insurance sales or underwriting focus oriented.
  • Title companies who are happy preparing their own deeds in-house for their refinance and/or purchase transactions but would prefer to refer their customers/clients to a trusted real estate law firm to prepare subsequent no-consideration or other title transfers outside of purchase or refinance transactions.

Why Choose Us


We Provide Excellent Customer Service

Our CDeeds team is friendly, knowledgeable, and quick to respond. Our top priority is our clients’ success. We prioritize helping them to achieve more success by continuously listening and understanding their unique needs and then providing them with the right services and products to best suit their company.

We Offer First-Rate Quality Documents

We understand that your clients need deeds prepared and recorded quickly, but also accurately. We are experts in the preparation and recordation of Maryland deeds. Our deeds are done right.

Trustworthy & Reputable

Along with quality, trust is essential. CDeeds has a solid reputation built on our teams years of legal and real estate experience.

Contact Comprehensive Deeds, LLC for Professional Service