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Easements & Assignments in Maryland

An easement gives its holder a right of use over the land of another and arises by express grant or implication. Easements are granted for a variety of reasons. Examples of commons types of easements include:

  • Right-of-way Easements
  • Utility Easements
  • Drainage Easements;
  • Conservation Easements;
  • Solar Easements
  • Sewer Easements; and
  • Driveway Easements

There are different types of easements and methods of establishing easements. Comprehensive Deeds LLC and its experienced real estate attorney can counsel you on the rights and obligations arising from different types of easements and how to best achieve your objective through an easement.

A deed of assignment is a legal document that transfers or assigns the legal rights and obligations to another party. Their use varies depending on the particular situation at hand. For example, boat slips are sometimes transferred by assignments rather than through property ownership transfers.

Contact Comprehensive Deeds, LLC for Professional Service