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Quitclaim Deeds to Transfer Your Property Interest

One deed type that Comprehensive Deeds, LLC’s clients sometimes need to use is a quitclaim deed. Our knowledgeable deeds attorney has extensive expertise in navigating the process and getting quitclaim deeds recorded in Maryland, and other communities. This deed type does not include any guarantees regarding the title. Instead, the seller simply uses it to transfer whatever interest they might have to a buyer. It does verify whether there may be another owner, nor does it verify any debts, liens, or liabilities against the title. Many of our clients will use a quitclaim deed for a real estate gift or transfer real estate between family members.

Grandmother and granddaughter

Why You Might Need a Quitclaim Deed

This deed type is a fast and easy way to “quit your claim” on a piece of property. If you need to transfer your share of partial ownership on a house to your siblings or sell your personal property to an LLC or corporation, a quitclaim deed works well. It offers no guarantees about the title being clear. Instead, it merely records that you release all legal claims on a property as you transfer them to a recipient. Ideally, you use a quitclaim deed when the grantor and grantee know each other well and trust each other. Since this deed type foregoes a full title history and verifying all liens, you can save time in the process and perform property transfers quickly.

Benefits of Transferring With This Deed Type

When the grantor and grantee trust each other, a quitclaim deed makes property transfer a simpler process. You can proceed more quickly without having to wait on a full title history check. If the grantor and grantee are family and share ownership of a home or piece of land, the grantor can use a quitclaim deed to release their title, rights, and interests. This deed type may not be appropriate for other property transfers, such as putting your house on the market or making any other real estate deal.

Contact Comprehensive Deeds, LLC to Start the Process

Comprehensive Deeds, LLC’s deeds attorney is well-versed in handling quitclaim deeds for clients in Maryland. Our expertise ensures the process goes smoothly so that you can transfer your property quickly. If you need legal help with a quitclaim deed in Annapolis, Baltimore County, or Howard County, reach out to us to schedule an appointment.

Contact Comprehensive Deeds, LLC for Professional Service