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Carrying Out the Steps for Recording Deeds

Comprehensive Deeds, LLC makes the deeds process a straightforward experience for our clients in Maryland. The steps for recording deeds include crucial documents and information to ensure a property transfer is successful. To properly record a deed, you must specify what ownership type your deed is conveying. Maryland has many types of property ownership, so you must word a deed correctly to transfer a legal title effectively. Having a qualified attorney handle your deeds ensures you get the right wording to enact your property transfer legally with your specific interests conveyed.

Row houses

What to Do After Drafting a Deed

Once a deed is drafted by our deeds attorney, we move onto the next step of recording it. The Land Records Department records the deed in the circuit court where the property is located. Each county may have its own specific requirements, and you should always consult the relevant county’s Land Records Department to verify the appropriate steps. Comprehensive Deeds, LLC also has in-depth knowledge of how to proceed with recording your deed. However, a general description of the process in this state includes the following.

General Description of the Process

  • You need a certificate of preparation to show an attorney or party prepared the deed.
  • You must get the deed notarized (signed in person with a notary public present).
  • A lien certificate might be necessary to show any liens or unpaid taxes that must be paid before you can deed or transfer a property.
  • You must fill out a State of Maryland Land Instrument Intake Sheet to determine the required recording or transfer taxes.
  • Once all the steps have been performed and any mandatory taxes and fees have been paid, we will file all documents, including the deed, with the county clerk. After the deed is recorded, the property ownership transfers.

Let Comprehensive Deeds, LLC Provide Our Legal Expertise

Make sure your property transfers go smoothly and without any complications by entrusting your deeds to Comprehensive Deeds, LLC. Our deeds attorney has extensive training and expertise in real estate and the legal processes related to titles and transfers with various deed types and the steps to record them. We serve clients in many Maryland communities, such as Annapolis, Howard County, and Baltimore County.

Contact Comprehensive Deeds, LLC for Professional Service