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Comprehensive Deeds, LLC Explains a Title Vs. Deeds

Understanding the difference between titles and deeds will help you determine which legal option is right for your needs. Comprehensive Deeds, LLC has ample experience working with clients looking to transfer properties and other assets. We explain the important details to our clients in Maryland about titles vs. deeds and expertly navigate the process with their own deeds. Dealing with the ins and outs of any legal document, such as a deed, takes an attorney with specialized knowledge in their drafting and execution. Coming to us ensures the process goes smoothly and with less worry of complications that might hold up the transfer of assets.

Key and photo of house with deed

Definition of a Title & Deed

A key difference between these two concepts is the name describing a person’s legal position regarding something, while a deed is an official written legal document. Most states require a deed to be recorded in an assessor’s office or courthouse, but a title is more of a conceptual term and is not a document on file in the public record. Titles are important in areas like real estate and car ownership. A deed is a document that transfers ownership, or title, of the stated property from a granter to a grantee. The granter is the person selling or transferring ownership, and the grantee is the person taking ownership or purchasing the property rights.

Understanding the Purpose & Process

The purpose of a deed is to serve as evidence of a specific transfer of the property title from one party to another. The person with the title has the legal right to modify and use the property as they see fit, including transferring that property to another person. The deed represents the owner’s right to claim that property, and it describes the ultimate property holder. A title search is a mandatory part of the process in which public records are searched to determine the property’s legal owner and what debts they owe against the property. Next, we create a title abstract to determine whether the owner can legally transfer said property. We then prepare all the closing documents, and the seller signs the deed to transfer ownership.

Our Expertise Is Available in Maryland

Comprehensive Deeds, LLC is ready to guide you through the legal process of deeds in Maryland. We serve clients in Anne Arundel County, Howard County, Baltimore County, and Annapolis. Let our experienced deeds attorney help you so that there are no errors or conflicts hindering your property transfer.

Contact Comprehensive Deeds, LLC for Professional Service